Local Podcast Highlights the Really, Really Free Market in Anaheim

On the first Sunday of the month, Anaheimers will find a big read banner at their local park reading "The Really Really Free Market." Goods are laid out on blankets at La Palma, Pearson or Boysen Park for people to peruse and take at their leisure. There's no money exchange involved. Folks bring what they like and take what they need. The Really, Really Free Market reaches out to the homeless in the park, as worthy an endeavor of this 'City of Kindness' culture in Anaheim as any other. This anarchistic experiment in gift economies has been growing over the past couple months and has been a worldwide phenomenon for decades.
Hosted by Brandon Gernux, The Podcast About Something recently featured Really Really Free Market organizer Liz Zuñiga in an interview. The half-hour episode delves into the idealism and practice behind the gatherings. Anaheim is, of course, a city that prides itself on so-called free market principles while subsidizing developers and cracking down on yard sales! The Really Really Free Market really, really turns that two-sided tomfoolery on its head.
Listen to the new Anaheim-based show below and support the next Really, Really Free Market in March!