Anaheim Police Release Last Klansman, Says He Stabbed in Self Defense

All five members of the Ku Klux Klan arrested for their involvement in the Pearson Park melee on Saturday are now walking free. Charles Donner, the only Klansmen held over the weekend, got released yesterday even though he stood accused of stabbing three counter-protesters, spilling their blood all over the sidewalk. "The release was based on the video evidence and statements that present convincing evidence of self-defense," Anaheim police spokesman Sgt. Daron Wyatt tells the Weekly.
An updated press statement sent out by the department yesterday evening noted that the Orange County District Attorney's office will review the case and make the final call on whether criminal charges will be filed or not. Further review of video footage by police led to the arrest of a juvenile counter-protester yesterday after he had been initially released. He's being held at Orange County Juvenile Hall for assault with a deadly weapon.
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