KKK Told Anaheim Police When, Where They'd Arrive to Protest Despite PD's Conflicting Claims

In the aftermath of the Ku Klux Klan melee at Anaheim's Pearson Park last month, people have pointed fingers all over town. Anaheim police blamed the media (*cough* theWeekly *cough*) and counter-demonstrators for the violence that left injured Klukkers and three stabbed protesters in its wake. Others somehow got the wild idea that with a white supremacist hate group rallying in Latino-majority city, maybe, just maybe, a uniformed, visible police presence at a beloved park would have kept the peace.
Anaheim Police Chief Raul Quezada told the city council on the Tuesday following the brawl, "There was a request to hire police officers to protect them," but that such a thing "is not our function," and that APD offered a number of alternatives that the Klan did not take up. KKK Grand Dragon Will Quigg, in turn, told the Associated Press that he called police, who denied his request for a police presence. Anaheim police spokesman Daron Wyatt, for his part, told the Los Angeles Times that the Klan turned them down when they learned about the protocols and costs for hiring police security. But now that parachute journalists have left Anaheim and the peace march is over, one thing's for sure: The police fucked up big time!
Emails obtained by the Weekly show Charles "Chuck" Donner, the San Francisco stab-happy Klansman, provided police with the exact time and location of where they'd be protesting a day before the rally and that the Klan clearly had safety concerns about their planned "White Lives Do Matter" protest.
Read more on my latest OC Weekly Navel Gazing Blog post: