Tom Bibiyan Wonders Why Anaheim Police Freed the Klansman Who Stabbed Him

Tom Bibiyan pulls up to the southwest corner of Pearson Park in Anaheim, right where a black Suburban packed with Ku Klux Klan members arrived around noon on February 27 before all hell broke out. The soft-spoken Jewish Green Party activist walks out his car sporting a "Peace on Earth" shirt and gives a weakened hand shake thanks to a Klansman's blade severing a nerve that day that has caused him to lose feeling in his fingers.
The 34-year-old Los Angeles city council candidate for the 26th district lifts his right arm up showing a scar around the elbow where San Francisco Klansman Charles "Chuck" Donner stabbed him first. He then pulls up his shirt revealing another scar, and three metal staples on the left side of his chest where Donner stabbed him next. The Klukker walked out of jail a free man the day after the melee, with Anaheim police claiming the evidence showed he stabbed Bibiyan and two others in self-defense.
"The self-defense argument for Donner doesn't apply to me," Bibiyan counters. "I didn't beat him up!"
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