Arab-Americans Take Latinos on Taste Tour of Anaheim's Little Arabia

What better way to celebrate Arab American Heritage Month than with a local cultural exchange of food and history? A diverse group of 35 people did just that yesterday in getting together for a taste tour of Little Arabia. The invitation to came by way of Adventures of Al-Andalus, a joint effort of Anaheim activist Rida Hamida and Santa Ana Valley High School teacher Benjamin Vazquez to bring Arab-American and Latino communities closer in OC. The first stop came when everyone got an introduction to Fresh Choice Marketplace in Garden Grove. Already a mecca of multicultural shopping, the grocery store marked the perfect place to start things off. "How do you say 'sugar' in Spanish?" Hamida asked her audience. "Azucar!" Latinos responded. "Well, we say 'suqar' in Arabic!" She mentioned other commonalities in the language of food including before Fresh Choice co-owner Ibbrahim Oudeh showed everyone around.
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