Councilwoman Kris Murray's Anti-Trump Resolution Makes Anaheim Stupid Again

Anaheim prides itself as being a city of kindness, but Ku Klux Klan melees, police shootings and now a Trump rally prove it to be a city of madness! The latest episode happened yesterday when councilwoman Kris Murray championed a resolution denouncing the divisive rhetoric of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The Claremont-based We The People Rising responded by hosting a pro-Trump rally.
Despite Murray's attempt to portray herself as a benevolent defender of the downtrodden, the whole pathetic spectacle blew up in her face. "Donald Trump has repeatedly used his platform as presidential candidate to attack people of many races, religions, and creeds, women, veterans, many of our allied nations, as well as local, state, and national religious leaders," the resolution read. The Donald's rhetoric was singled out "as not being reflective of the City of Anaheim's guiding principles and kindness."
Murray summoning Anaheim as the city of kindness? That's the line of Mayor Tom Tait, her sworn enemy on the council! And that should have been the first thick whiff of bullshit surrounding this whole spectacle, but media outlets like the Orange County Register and the Los Angeles Times took the bait hook, line and sinker.
Read more on my latest OC Weekly Navel Gazing Blog post: